Monday, February 20, 2012

Turning the BIG 3.0

AGfreed 3.0
The newest model of me :-) I recently celebrated my 30th birthday and wanted to give a few of my thoughts on the milestone.

How did I feel the day before?
Horrible! lol Like my life was over, silly me

How do I feel now?
Great! I love the idea and the reality of being 30. 

What's great?
Being able to really say, " I'm too old for that!"  anything that is just nonsense!

Having others treating me with a bit more credence and respect.
Not feeling like I'm a baby any more.
Having enough life experience to help others.
Being myself and not caring so much what others think.

Metabolism is slower, more trips to the gym.
Tired more often.
Feeling of more responsibility and sensing time as more fleeting.

All in all I'm happy with my life. I have an amazing husband. I have a good career, I'm settled in a great church. I have a wonderful life. And I"m right where I'm supposed to be.

Can you think of how you feel about the 3.0 model of yourself?  Benefits? Downsides? Resolves?

What's freeing about that milestone?

Talk to me,

1 comment:

  1. Yaay 30! I hope you enjoyed your b-day! Yes, God has blessed you and I am glad you're happy;) I will hit 30 in September and I am trying not to freak out.

    Although I have been fighting a midlife crises, I am realizing that many of the major life goals I had for myself have been accomplished! So, I am grateful! As for the things that have not been accomplished, I have started to pursue those and I still feel that I have time to get there and enjoy it!
