Sunday, September 11, 2011

What is there to lose?

"He is no fool, to lose what he can not keep, to gain what he can not lose."
Jim Elliot, Christian martyr and husband of Elisabeth Elliot.
I've been thinking about God's plan and purpose of course for my life, but also with 9/11 being  today. Thinking about all the suffering and hurt that we experience in this life.  No one knows this kind of pain more intimately than Elisabeth Eliot, wife of the Christian Martyr, Jim Elliot, who gave his life to share the gospel to a people in remote Ecuador.  Putting her own pain aside, she remained in Ecuador to minister to the people who eventually came to believe in Jesus Christ.  
The following is a song by Twila Paris, but with clips from the movie Through Gates of Splendor, which is an account of the Jim and Elisabeth Elliot's mission trip to Ecuador. 
What an awesome testimony, the same sacrifice that Jim and Elisabeth gave, is that of Jesus. He too gave up His physical life, that we might have eternal life! God asks us to do the same, to give our lives away that others might live through our "death".  
"He is no fool, to lose that which he can not keep, to gain that which he can not lose." In giving our lives God gives us the eternal life.  Amen.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Answering the Call

I hate to only post when things are going good for me. But we are encouraged by one another's testimonies. 

I believe God has done amazing things through simple spending time with Him and seeking my purpose and calling. I've been reading some and trying to get to the bottom of my "calling"/  my purpose.

What I have discovered over the past couple of months, as I've been "filling in" for my pastor's wife as praise and worship leader (first timer) is that I am called to do this!  Although it hasn't been easy or flowed every time.  I've noticed that God speaks to me about which songs to do, my personality is really well suited to giving adoration praise and glory to the Lord.

I've also noticed that my urge to make a big deal about "what is beautiful" is fulfilled in leading and worshiping the Lord.  I am so thankful! So grateful for this news, because I have a level of faith and confidence that God is with me and has placed His gracious hand on me to do this! Thank you Lord!

AGFREED! for real y'all!