Saturday, January 29, 2011

new cut

Been doing more self discovery, and have decided to go with a new cut too! Here it is!

29th bday is right around the corner! Loving me, living me.


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

For Peace

The Serenity Prayer goes like this --
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next. Amen.

Sometimes I get so caught up on having things my way; forgetting that we are not always supposed to be in control. God reminds us of that with this person and that, this situation, or circumstance, that is not as faviorable as we'd like.  We wrestle with our loss of control, I wrestle.... But where does all that wishing and hoping and worrying get me... absolutely nowhere. Well, thats not actually true. It gets me to place of constant unsubsiding--straight up anxiety, to the point where peace is no where to be found in me.  

God lets us go through these emotions-- waiting for us to pray and request His ultimate intervention.  What then is next? But complete and total surrender. We can not always change the way some one feels about us, or how a situation is turning out. Acceptance,  at times, is wisdom.


Monday, January 17, 2011

Hair Clinic update

Still on my hair rehab. tip.   I tried a new product, well two new products that I"ve been eyeing.
1) Giovanni - xtreme protein infusion  - its on the same wave length as Aphogee keratin 2 minute 
Review- Felt really soft but strong, without the mineral oil and chemicals that aphogee has in it
I think I might prefer it, but it'll take some time to really see if it helps with the breakage

2) Shea moisture african blk soap scalp elixir- good for anti dandruff or itchy scalp.
I sprayed and massaged it in after washing, so we'll see but my scalp feels wonderful after the acv rinse i did and all the massaging.  More on this one later

3) one more- I used Oyins- whipped shea butter to retain moisture this time for my twist out.... I have to say, my hair feels really soft and awesome. I'm attributing this to the shea butter I usually use olive oil which is good too, i actually did one twist with evoo and it does feel a tad bit softer (oops)  again we'll see. 

What are your favorite sealers and oils, how do you care for you scalp, esp during winter? 


Thursday, January 13, 2011


OOOO, I hate that word, it just brings bad feelings up just thinking about it. And yet,  I must confront the issue of confronting anyway.
Everyday we have a choice to confront or repress.  In reading "THe Confident Woman" by Joyce Meyer, I have been "confronted" by the need to confront.  She mentions that a woman of courage must feel the fear and do it anyway. I'm sure you've heard that tune before, but it is so true.
 Often times I shrink away from moments of confrontation, this is a double disservice to myself and the other person(s) involved.  For me progress happens when someone confronts me with a gripe or issue--True growth occurs! I mean if I offend someone or my attitude is wrong, I need someone to tell me in love.
On the other hand, if you are the person with a secret problem with someone, but you don't want to confront, that thing will eat you up. You'll be thinking minute to minute about what you should say, everytime you think of that person.  Why not just speak up? Call it out! Say the truth! even if it causes shame or a little pain or anger.  Let God speak through your conversation and your confrontation! 

(perfected in Him alone)

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

hair update 1.11.11

Hair experiment! 

My hair was feeling reaally parched after the cold dry winter and an aphogee 2 minute reconstructor I did the other day.  So today, it was deep condition time!!!! YAY!!!!!
A natural curlygirls heaven! 
on the right :  Giovanni Smooth as silk conditioner
on the left: Oyin Handmade Honey Hemp conditioner.....
all natural, but Giovanni has some light protein 

Hair is still wet but the right side was more bouncy and springy, yet smooth and soft!!! 
Left side (oyin) felt yummy soft! looser curls and more elongation.. maybe more moisturizing

The jury is still out on which I like better, we'll see if the breakage stops after all the protein i've been doing. Pray saints :-) 

love ,

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

I'm a hairlista!

So to nourish my newest passion, Hair Care.  I've joined a great site thats a really supportive community too, its I love it because all the ladies are super supportive and you feel free to share and receive all the help you need on this hair journey.  
some goals I have surrounding this

1) Grow my hair to  full BSL or below
2) Develop personal regimen
3) Use more protein for my 3c/4a colored hair
4) Care for my scalp better - i hate oils on my scalp... thats another story 
5) Consult with anyone who may need some hair care guidance no matter how small or large. inbox me :-)  

Shea moisture Deep treatment masque - My rating?  2 stars out of 5
I dont' really care for it. Its a very light texture, with little to no slip. I'd rather use Giovanni Smooth as Silk. and I just bought some Oyin Handmade= Honey Hemp Conditioner which is awesome!!!! More on that later.

Love you all Happy NEW Year, HAppy HAIR YEAR!

Getting Free

My friend suggested a great read that i've been reaping some real benefits from already.  Its called The  Confident Woman by Joyce Meyer. I am not finished yet, but the lessons have been marinating in my spirit for the past week or so, and I'm really happy for this type of divine intervention, thanks LH!
One thing I want to share with you about the book is a saying that is my new mantra "If God brought me to it, then he'll bring me through it!" There are moments of anxiety and being uncomfortable, but God has given us a way out! Its through our trust and belief in His word and also His involvement on all levels of our lives.  I love it, because its so easy to forget this if you let the world consume you.  Confidence is very close by, it is in our view and knowledge of God our father and friend.

Lets trust his purpose and plan in all things.

Living Freely one step at a time