Hey everyone, long time no see!
Its been a busy couple of months. Lots of soul searching and asking God for some hint as towhat my passions are. Some times on the job, I don't always feel fulfilled, and even with recent interests, like orchestral conducting, I still feel like there is more joy out there, more fulfillment.
In the past couple of weeks, I've noticed I have an interest in something that keeps showing up and has been in my head for some time. That is HEALTHY HAIR! When I say it, I dont feel like its what I should be passionate about, I should have something more lofty right? But I love talking about the health of a person's hair, and products and techniques to use to produce great results. People often comment on my hair when its natural, asking what I've done to it, even when its straight, they ask how did I get it to grow so long, etc. And I'm never bothered by these questions, it brings me happiness to help others get to a healthy hair place and to a place where they can treasure their natural hair.
So I think I'm gonna look into that more. There is a voice in my head that says its beneath me, because of my focused on education upbringing, but if I love hair, then I love hair. Can't help that.
I've been cultivating my interest in music for some time now, and believe I'm getting a glimpse now into something else I need to search out. God willing I'll find myself in a place of peace and freedom as a result. Bye for now!
Love ,
a woman in pursuit of passion